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BLOOD MOON 27 JULY 2018 Everyone was ready, it was trending on Twitter in different languages but the supposed time 10:30pm had everyone waiting in anticipation, moving to disappointment. The moon had disappeared, despite the past month heatwave, on exactly the night we were poised with cameras to the skies. Were clouds hiding it, nature betraying us? But it was just late and almost an hour later the moon rose over the horizon and the blue lit sky turned darker, showing off its rusty tinge of colour. Low in the sky the moon eclipse of 2018 was about to begin.   Pale moon light infused with reddish tinge  Zoomed in a little closer  The light and eclipse starts slowly from the left  As the white light takes over the red fades a bit  Eclipse in full swing moving across  Almost two thirds of the way   The full moon outline is seen and its almost finished  And then the moon was fully white again. Watching the earth completely block the sun's light and witnessing as it were, all phases

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