America's pro-gun Assault Rifle issue
America, with it's slogan of
"land of the free" are enslaved by their culture of the right to bear Assault Rifles. A land
obsessed with 24/7 entertainment, addiction to celebrities, excessive
eating and excessive amount of guns. Freedom is
philosophically firstly, between your ears, which is why so many
Americans just don't get Why Assault Rifles are so unnecessary for civilian consumerism. The narcissistic individualistic arrogance of pro-AR activists are exaggerated and loud. Certainly the
rest of the world in terms of humane sensibility don't regard
American gun-loving greed, a cultural norm to follow.
The ability to become the richest person on the planet, if you want, is certainly a freedom and it needs law and democratic societies to enable it, but this is a freedom we find all over not only in the USA. It is a fair principle, but not when there isn't a decent social safety net to protect those who just don't have the talent to do so. American republicans shouting unintelligently "communism" or even "socialism" with a condescending air of disgust, at other humane political countries have no other country experience. They live in a bubble driven by fear that one day their so called “riches” or guns will be confiscated. The American sterotype is often severely overweight, talks excessively and loudly and doesn't seem to care that Assault Rifles continue to kill innocent people and kids annually if not monthly. They calculate the gun death odds to minimal statistics, without any humane thought of possibilities to save any future victims of senseless violence due to lax gun laws. All loudly supported by the money making giant NRA. They believe an AR in the hands of 200 million + citizens is a god given right. It’s a thoughtless, empty reasoning based on shallow principles.
I suppose it is hard to grow up in a culture where advertising is constant, news is 24/7 entertainment, exploded and blown out of proportion, and guns are portrayed as giving you “balls”. But it is false. All of it. Apart from the inhumane unconcern for all the deaths so far it is downright ridiculous to believe a weapon of mass destruction such as the AR is not going to be used repeatedly by a continuous number of disturbed individuals in such a mass population.
The ability to become the richest person on the planet, if you want, is certainly a freedom and it needs law and democratic societies to enable it, but this is a freedom we find all over not only in the USA. It is a fair principle, but not when there isn't a decent social safety net to protect those who just don't have the talent to do so. American republicans shouting unintelligently "communism" or even "socialism" with a condescending air of disgust, at other humane political countries have no other country experience. They live in a bubble driven by fear that one day their so called “riches” or guns will be confiscated. The American sterotype is often severely overweight, talks excessively and loudly and doesn't seem to care that Assault Rifles continue to kill innocent people and kids annually if not monthly. They calculate the gun death odds to minimal statistics, without any humane thought of possibilities to save any future victims of senseless violence due to lax gun laws. All loudly supported by the money making giant NRA. They believe an AR in the hands of 200 million + citizens is a god given right. It’s a thoughtless, empty reasoning based on shallow principles.
I suppose it is hard to grow up in a culture where advertising is constant, news is 24/7 entertainment, exploded and blown out of proportion, and guns are portrayed as giving you “balls”. But it is false. All of it. Apart from the inhumane unconcern for all the deaths so far it is downright ridiculous to believe a weapon of mass destruction such as the AR is not going to be used repeatedly by a continuous number of disturbed individuals in such a mass population.
But the pro AR gun toting victims who constantly scream out freedom at every crossroad, when banning AR is mentioned continue to deny reality.
is hard to condone many American's favourite cultural pastime which
pollutes news stations around the world frequently, when people commit wrongs. Hello? Yes not all people are good. Maybe only once every AR lover has lost a loved one in a shooting will they see the light. Guns and the right to bear arms was a law created two hundred years ago by people who had no vision of the long term future. Americas teenage culture age in terms of other world cultures tricks them into hanging onto that right because they think it is part of their culture. Reacreational shooting fine. AR? Not fine. Stupid, ridiculous and evil. Terribly unreligious from those silly republicans who are so pro life. What hypocrisy. The
idea of fake security, that in owning an AR or 20,
is going to keep you faithful to a culture or uphold your freedoms. As usual after every shooting, the world looks on and laughs at America’s stupidity. At least those who cannot bear to part with a materialistic piece of metal designed to kill as many as possible rapidly. Freedom? Fake freedom.
way some Americans love guns is sick. Guns have become such a large part of their culture they can
almost not identify themselves without them. Many believe it is their
greatest "freedom" but it's an egotistical falsehood designed to pretend one is masterful when parading like a cop, feeling king of the castle, gun on hip in the land of the free. If the country really was the land of the free you would not need a gun. The object they carry will
silence anyone that oversteps any boundary and whilst alone on an out of
town far off rural ranch I can understand it, cowboys on city streets, can appropriately be labelled as
pyschologically unhealthy. But culture is highly indoctrinating
and can brain wash even the smartest of people.
heard two new stories this week. One about guns for children being sold
in hypermarkets in pink and purple. The second about a protest of
pro-gun owners parading their "lethal metal machines" outside Starbucks
in NY. Starbucks had a sign in their window saying something to the
effect of "we drink coffee here, so it's nice if you leave your gun at
home." Guns, guns and
more guns. The pro-camp argue that cars and alcohol also kill people.
Cars were built for transport, alcohol created for relaxation and so
called 'happiness' for some. I don't think though that anyone has ever
jumped into a car with the intention to kill anyone (terrorists
obviously excluded); Nor do people ever intend to kill themselves or anyone with alcohol. Although it happens, drunken drivers still do not consciously get into a car and say "I am going to kill someone."
Guns on the other hand were built with the direct power to kill
instantly when used for that purpose, not a shooting range target. Guns on the other hand were designed as killing machines. Assault rifles being the leader of the pack or king if you wish.
Republicans support more guns as in armed guards at schools and one is
just left wondering (outside the USA) where is this freedom they shout
so loudly about? Kids needing gun protection at school? Is there a civil war we don’t know about? No but it is a pandemic that America has failed to do anything about. America, a so called first world country, needing armed
security for protection from a possible mass shooting carried out by
their own kind, and worse still, their children with an AR.
it's certainly not going to be mass shootings or the killing of
children in schools that awakens pro-gun Americans to the cultural
sickness of it all. They are immune and de-sensitized to the unnecessary
bloodshed that has become a normalised cultural part of life. Comparing
victims of mass shootings to statistics of individual homicides
committed by criminals is just trying to justify an ugly cultural trait.
Kids are killing kids because they can, because the tools are
available. And all the pro-gun adults can say is, "it's my freedom,
it's not the guns, I need to protect myself again the government." What a
mockery of freedom. Enslaved by their own addictions dumb them down.
the shooting this week in Florida, (a couple of shootings later now 2021) One
would think if they really believed what they culturally believe to be
true (the Christian God) they wouldn't need AR’s in the first place. The best thing they could do
for the victims and families is to change the future, but no, they'd
rather rely on ideas of what humankind knew of the supernatural 2000
years ago and an amendment written in completely different times when it took a minute to load.
does one begin... to tell the story of how poor a culture can be?"
Consciously and spiritually. My advice to the pro AR gun lovers? You’ve been indoctrinated by family, country and culture. Think straight, bite the bullet and ban assault rifles for consumers.
with thanks to @RLOppenheimer for this explanatory artwork