When does consciousness actually begin? - "Real recognise real"

At some point in your life if you ponder your existence you will surely stumble upon the enigma of your own consciousness.  Where does it come from, how does it operate, and why?  This highly complex scientific field can leave you with more questions once you've started researching.  An easier way to understand it all and to learn some of its epistemology is to listen to explanations given through music and what better album to do it than with The Rap guide to Consciousness. I am not at all a Rap fan and it's the first album I ever bought of Rap, but the album is such a comprehensive, informative and fun way to look at this field that I highly recommend it to everyone! Your mind is all you have so get digging and check out some of the lyrics below. 

By Canadian Baba Brinkman http://www.bababrinkman.com/ This edu-tainment fascinating and musically pleasing album offers factual insight into the brain's electro-chemistry, our intuitions, prejudices, perception, how we predict ourselves, free will, rationalism, attraction, the magical mysteries we invent in our minds and the real biological properties of consciousness which will enlighten anyone.  Baba worked with multiple artists and in cross-border collaboration with Professor Dr Anil Seth, from the Sackler Centre for Consciousness in England,  http://www.anilseth.com/ , Heather Berlin, an American neuroscientist https://heatherberlin.com/ and the renown Deepak Chopra and Daniel Dennett, an American philosopher, they all have valuable insights to share.  

Please  note, are lyrics all copyrighted to The Rap Guide to Consciousness Lyrics © Baba Brinkman 2018. A shout out of thanks to him for sending me the pdf file because my digital I Tunes download didn't provide them. You can visit Baba's website for more information  or listen to his You-tube channel where there are live performances as well. 
Real Recognize Real (feat. Aaron Nazrul) 

This melancholy catchy track puts us on the path of thinking about "The fact that we can even share thoughts is amazing, What’s a thought made of, if not information, Igniting a spark in dark places" (your brain) and it ends with Daniel Dennet saying..... 

Yes we have a soul
But it’s made of lots of tiny robots
Not a single one of the cells that compose you

Knows who you are or cares .....
Each trillion robot team is gathered together
In a breathtakingly efficient regime that has no dictator 

But manages to keep itself organized to repel outsiders 
And serve as the headquarters of one conscious self 
One mind

Good Bayesian (feat. MC Lars and Mega Ran) 

This is a beautifully rhythmic song, addictive in its punch line title and starts with a short talk excerpt from Dr Anil Seth

We don’t just passively perceive the world
We actively generate it
So perception, figuring out what’s there
Has to be a process of informed guesswork
In which the brain combines sensory signals
With its prior expectations or beliefs about the way the world is 

The world we experience comes as much from the inside out 
As from the outside in

Let me show you how to be a good Bayesian 
Change your predictions after takin’ information in 
And if you’re thinkin’ I’ll be less than amazin’
Let’s adjust those expectations

Let me show you how to be a good Bayesian
Change calculations after takin’ fresh data in
Those predictions that your brain is makin’? 
Let’s get them on a solid foundation


A hip-hop track about what it is to be a zombie but not the Walking Dead kind. It's a short fun auto-biography about an artist zombie who's into rap.

Anil Seth ends this one explaining the history of knowledge on consciousness. 

A tender human track with cute little Dylan, Baba's son gurgling in the background, Baba explores when consciousness actually begins, relating it to the birth of his son, while bringing in society and politics to explain how ignorance could be bliss for someone who hasn't learnt language yet. The video is at the end of the blog so I'm deliberately not adding lyrics, as while listening, the easy to hear story is a great introduction to the album. 

Forget Me Not (feat. Aaron Nazrul) 

One of my absolute favourites that always gets replay. An outstanding track, minimalistic with its gorgeous vocals and smooth melody. It talks about what its like to be an artist and the competition involved. Beautiful outstanding track! Love it!

Consciousness is nothin’ but fame in the brain
And if enough brains remember your name you get fame
And if you get too much of it you can't step into public places 

Without gazes and cameras aimin' your way....
Just let our song play 
Again and again and again....

This is a dark track which gives the album an interesting unpredictable twist and adds to the overall variety. It's about how a subject who had learnt everything there was to know about colour or sound, but had never seen or heard either, asking how would it feel when the experience actually occurred? 

Every physical fact that exists, she was aware of it 
And once her brain was suitably enhanced
The last step was a set of cochlear implants

Heather Berlin, an American neuroscientist finishes the song saying: 

There are more connections in the human brain
Than there are stars in the milky way, think about that....
So we have a whole inner cosmos inside of our head
The brain is basically like an information-processing machine....

Cephalophile (feat. Alice Andrews)
Another dark track but thoroughly pleasant musical journey and mind walk. It's about an octopus and the planet through the lens of a mushroom trip, explaining the integrated information theory of consciousness and brain biology. Is an octopus or a worm conscious? What's it like to be an octopus's arm?

It’s like that theory of consciousness
Called “Integrated Information”
That says any system is conscious
If it's connected up and differentiated
It’s got that mathematical figure called "Phi" 

That's quantifiably calculated
As a measure of how much the whole is greater
Than the sum of the parts when they’re isolated

WIZARD OF ODDS feat. Aaron Nazrul

This super track opens with a part of Anil Seth's TEd talk on "Your brain hallucinates your reality" 

"Imagine being a brain: With no lights or sound inside the skull, all it has to rely on are streams of electrical impulses derived from our senses." 

Explaining the biological mechanisms of axons in the brain generating consciousness with the key message as "I predict myself therefore I am," this smooth, melody driven song is my favourite on the album. Anything you wanted to know in clear cut layman terms is here. If you buy only one song from the album it has to be this. So from the brain's point of view... (I/it)

You see colours, I see numbers
You hear music, I hear code
You see lovers under covers
I’m in darkness on my own
While you’re dancin’, I’ll be calculating 

Chances in your thoughts
Here to guide you from inside you 
I’m the Wizard of Odds 

 It ends with Deepak Chopra saying... 

Just tell me: how does electrochemistry 
Produce a thought, an idea
And you get the million dollars
I will live up to this

But it has to be a valid scientific explanation 
For the biological basis of an idea
One thought, any thought...
One thought, one million dollars


This short minimalistic track has subtle pretty piano notes and showcases Baba's lyrical prowess. He puts functionalism into perfect rhythm lines. It's about the philosopher John Searle's "Chinese Room" thought experiment and whether a computer, enabling an old man to be simulating Chinese language actually means he is speaking Chinese.  

So, the old man is nothing but a cog
In a machine designed to produce hip-hop
He adds nothing, no skills, no comprehension
No linguistic invention
It’s the
that’s intelligent, the code understands 
What the old man doesn’t: how to bust raps

Ready for Implants

Another lyrically brilliant and aesthetically pleasing in auditory sensation, this song talks about a patient in a "persistent vegetative state" who is trying to communicate to the outside world. It favours the progression of technology. 

Implants, forget a digital wristband
I wanna be cognitively enhanced
With implants, like Angelina
I’ll pass a test from a cancer screener 

With implants, a nanobot’ll beat it 
Robotic bodies for quadriplegics 
Implants, oh you wanna debate?
Okay, just lemme get my implants, wait... 

 Can't stop

Love this one! Perfect lyrics and music again. It includes Daniel Dennett and it's all about the debate on Free Will. If so much of life is biologically determined how much free will do we actually have? It argues that we do have some navigation freedom in pursuing goals. 

I can’t stop, I won’t stop livin’
Makin’ decisions as if I can pivot
I can’t stop, wont stop sellin’ mad “isms” 

Natural, rational, and compatiblism
I can’t stop attraction and avoidance 

Trapped with no choice but to make choices 
I can’t stop, whatever happens
Free will, I’m determined to have it

Daniel Dennett: 

Free will is like the air we breath
We count on it, but it is neither a  

Metaphysical background condition  
Nor a fundamental physical condition  
It evolved, and is still evolving

Memes up

A sing-along funky track and Baba's talent in showcasing all this knowledge lies in his ability to mix up pace and use the crossover of light and dark in tunes making it an album that is already over, when you feel as if you've only just listened to two or three tracks. The synopsis of this track:

"With the right memes, you can skeptically assess your environment and act strategically in accordance with your long- term goals. 
With the wrong memes, you end up voting for Trump. Get your memes up." 

So get your memes up, try to read stuff 
If you don’t read get a book on speaker 
If you want to be a truth-seeker
Get some memes up in your cerebrum

Get your memes up, try to see stuff
If you can’t travel, get on Wikipedia
Get it from a teacher, or social media 

Get your memes up if you want freedom 

Still here feat. Tymisha Harris 

Another absolute favourite track on the album. Even without the excellent lyrics, musically the track is just catchy and intelligent. The lyrics then add complete perfection. It's about the dilemma of humans not having a super-natural god or promise of an afterlife  and how we find meaning and purpose in life. 

We can do things to improve the experience
Of all the other sentient beings sharing this

Sequence of sensational, celebratable moments 
So take a deep breath
And see what you notice

We were nothing when this all began 
And soon we’ll disappear
And be nothing once again
But until then, we’re still here

We’re stardust, we’re memories 
Flesh and blood and self-aware 
We’re dancin’ electricity
While we’re still here

So give me roses, give me oceans 
Give me love and tears
Give me all the riches of my senses 

Stimulation, while I’m still here

Another message is given by Anil Seth at the end... which sums up the album.

Anil Seth:
With a greater sense of understanding 
Comes a greater sense of wonder
And a greater realization that we are part of 

And not apart from the rest of nature
And, when the end of consciousness comes 

There’s nothing to be afraid of
Nothing at all

To end this blog a track from Baba Brinkman's Youtube channel 

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