Afterthoughts on NZ Christchurch massacre  March 15 2019 

It's hard to find words to describe the horror of what one human being can do to destroy the lives of others. Especially when each attack by a sick lone wolf or group finds new ways to spread their poisonous ideals in increasingly more destructive ways. The chilling factor is that often, the perpretators of such crime are  described by those who once knew them as "normal, ordinary, human beings." 
Copyright of photo: BBC Asia

The ascending social media cultural need for recognition drove this nutcase terrorist to stream his evil-doing live while he went about his business and it's what makes this crime almost impossible to digest. How can any such act be the reality and truth of anyone's sick mind? It's a clear demonstration that online, just as in real contact, words matter. The more unnecessary fear and cold hate is spread online, the more chance there is of awful people doing awful things.  We all have a responsibility of integrity if we are to maintain a certain standard and quality of the net. Reporting posts that threaten violence to anyone, and fact checking fake news and reports using online sites.  

For years, total nonsense articles have been spread by people who are part of the problem. Repeatedly reading false input makes the ignorant think its true and when the balance tips to extremism, strange minds become more twisted. The vitriol posted in the attacker's manifesto for example, contained  conspiracies which sound like a movie plot but there are actually enough  out there, who seldom move past their tiny village, let alone their country borders yet actually believe the doomsday scenarios. 

Right-wing extremism has been on the rise for years in Europe because  populist politicians use sensationalist words to stir up peoples' hate. Wilders, Le Pen, Farage, and Trump are particularly to blame and the results, as we can see deliver callous, lying and incompetent leaders. But so many bored participants of life, love to jump on the band-wagon and pretend they know everything of what is going on. It's a statistical fact in Steven Pinker's Enlightenment now too, that populist leader followers are not necessarily the young, but rather the older. The ones who hold nostalgia on the past, who want a global economy and global advantages, i.e. an I-phone that can read comments around the world on a hot topic, yet deny that culturally, professionals of all nationalities are contributing to  economies worldwide.

Furthermore, the repetitive American blare on loud speaker of the "regressive left" is another hollow rhetoric pumped up by the far right. Again, say it often enough and people believe it. No wonder millions who barely understand politics in their own country let alone the macro economy of the world, fall for lying populists and right fear-mongering game seeking populists. Thinking they know "a lot" because listening or reading someone else’s opinion  equals "knowledge". Thus, they mimic their  favourite public speaker, while they actually don't have a clue as to what reality is on the ground around the world. 

Fake news headlines by trash press, have also continued to undermine democracy, in recent years, intoxicating the clueless,  spreading lies and  diabolical rubbish.  See this collection below of what has been passing for news in British papers. Biased, poisonous fake propaganda. Underneath the headline example,  is a link from the EU commission website which shows all the fake news articles they have had to rebuke and denounce from 1993 to 2017. The list is unfortunately, endless. So mainstream media, in competition with Social Media is also poisoning weak minds, some of which fall prey to eventual extremism and commit the atrocities we witnessed in Christchurch. 

No-one knows when the lights go out and some fanatic's brain switches onto killer mode and we can never stop mad-men. But  those who sit on Twitter or Facebook all day to just retweet or share all the savage and narcissist posts aimed at degrading a certain group in society should really get a life.  Polarisation of society in the political sphere is not something to be proud of, it's complete regression. 

On a final note, may all the victims of this murderous attack Rest in Peace and I wish strength to all the families and friends affected.  There are no words or prayers that will ease their pain. Only action with integrity from collective society can stop these events from happening. Social media needs to be cleaned up because it is fertile ground for lies, deceit and hate.  And that is everyone's job. Not to ignore it but take action, engaging, reporting or talking sense into those who cannot see the woods from the trees.

MH17 17/7/17 aircrash commemoration

Six years ago the unthinkable happened. A commercial jet airline of Malaysian airlines MH17, on its way to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down by Russians in the Ukraine area during the conflict of those two countries. The investigation to hold those culpable to such negligence took almost 6 years and although Russia will not allow extradition of the main suspects, the trial began in February this year. 

At the time in 2014, I flew from Schiphol a week later and visited the memorial hall that was full of 1000's of cuddly toys, flowers and cards. It was heart-breaking and silencing.  Six years later I decided to visit the monument that was put up in honour of the 298 victims who needlessly lost their lives. It lies in a peaceful field with wild flowers and a side area of only sunflowers. 

It too was a silencing experience, as the day after 17/7/20, victims' kin had been laying flowers around the individual trees. There also lay wreaths from certain embassies on the monument itself.  In an arch around the main monument, 298 trees are growing, facing the metal structure which holds a space in the shape of a window. In front of the metal arch lies a dome with a huge dial where all the names of loved and lost victims are engraved. May they rest in peace and may the surviving family find peace someday from this painful tragedy.

The monument in pictures: 

Let's remember and honour Nelson Mandela - Madiba 2013 

Mandela emulated humility
Reminding us of the moral poverty of arrogance
Through his tribal philosophy of selflessness through Ubuntu
Where "I am who I am because of who we all are" 
He taught the inner peace of letting go of needless power 

Although his flesh has long left us, Madiba's soulful inner beauty remains an eternal icon for society. There are not many who after living the best years of their life unfairly imprisoned, would don the  'enemy's' clothing upon liberation, to send a statement of unity and not division against his oppressors. His legend will always be the sacrifice he was willing to endure to overthrow racial injustice. It was a belief that he was "willing to die for" and it had him imprisoned for 27 years.
 Photo:  With thanks to the Children at the Nelson Mandela Foundation
White roses and rice

This poor under privileged Eastern Cape tribesman, born in 1918 educated himself, through a postal course, studying in a 4m x 4m dirt floor tin shack, by candle light in a Johannesburg ghetto, with the stench of un-hygienic abolition systems outside his door.  This strength of character in overcoming adversity earned him global admiration and respect. Always taking the high road, he never mocked his oppressors or  took petty revenge, but instead openly admitted his flaws, never held grudges  and maintained a character of integrity against a political and economic philosophy which was devoid of common sense or civil justice. As a dignified role model of integrity he used fact and reason, chose the lesser evil and embracing everyone, even his past oppressors. His non-violent and peace loving attitude are why parliaments around the world held a minute of silence on the day of his death, 5 December, four years ago today in 2013. Let's honour him again remembering what a true shining example of humanity he was.
Mandela's determination brought about the end of the apartheid regime with the help of collective consciousness, through Free Mandela music concerts and protests around the world, who supported his cause. For Madiba’s long walk to freedom was also a journey for the like minded. Those who wanted a fairer and just world without judgement on the colour of your skin. Mandela's liberation was a win for humanity because morality through collaborative effort won, both nationally and internationally. Thereafter, Madiba went on as President, withdrawing after his term from public life to enjoy his final days.  

Obama's funeral memorial speech on Youtube embodied Mandela’s essence in words that few are capable of. As a society, we can only regret that sometimes we need victims to wilfully bear our collective atrocities. We can only hope that future generations will learn from the past and from Madiba's charisma and forgiving attitude. He taught that perseverance, non-violent protest and factual dialogue will always win the truth, with clear conscience and without pointing fingers we saw how  human values of wisdom and compassion can promote democracy, peace and morality.


"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate."
William Shakespeare 

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