Conflict in competitive work places
If a work environment contains unhealthy competition, it should be identified early so individuals don't just go for the win and ruin team work. Instead, signalling early, a manager should get team members together with the purpose of resolving any obstacles or irritations. Healthy competition encourages self-development whereas unhealthy competition engages in grudges, pessimism or continual backbiting which can escalate.
It is exactly the difficulty of getting along with people we have an allergy for that helps self-growth and we all know how easy it is to get alone with those you click with when you all agree. But there is no challenge there or opportunity for growth as individuals or as a team. Learning to deal with those different to ourselves or handling competitive situations maturely, requires courage and unselfish willingness to bring out the best in everyone.
People react differently to irritations and much depends on personality or culture. Some explode and express their doubts and frustrations, while others passively aggressively go silent. Both reactions put an end to communication and team work suffers, as each member continues on their own hidden agenda competitive path.
Conflicts in any competitive environment are always due to ego clashes, holding onto convictions and seeking confirmation of biases. It takes honest character to be objective, humble and secure when things don't turn out as expected. Insecure people will persecute others always seeing themselves as victims and as long as the role persists, dialogue will not be forthcoming and there will be no creative solutions generated. They need to step up to the challenge and engage in constructive dialogue. A victim often doesn't want a situation to change because they can always feel hard done by and have an excuse to not progress.
We can’t control others, but we can control our reactions and it is always in our hands to choose how we respond. If a group or team is divided, each should be given an opportunity to voice their opinions, preferably with an objective mediator or manager to ensure equal contribution from everyone. It's vital in life, but especially in teamwork, that members know their strengths and weaknesses. Precisely because, strengths quickly become weaknesses in moments of friction with others. Well balanced people know their mistakes don't define who they are, so they are perfectly capable of being able to provide and receive both positive and negative feedback.
A team with members who have a hidden agenda of competing against each other, will not brainstorm options and ideas openly to get a team ahead, only their own self interests. So first trust has to be established and this occurs through open and honest feedback to build respect. When people are more generally on the same page, they are more willing to step outside of their comfort zones to resolve any friction. Perfection isn’t the goal, but joint team effort is, and if all members can collaborate, creating a healthy competitive working environment, they're bound to reach their objectives successfully. They will ditch the unimportant and constructively sort out priorities so each can work with their own authentic purpose.
Competition is not unhealthy, if it pushes people to be better versions of themselves. Continual growth of each individual creates a sustainable and durable working environment for the team. So, although we live in an individualistic world that is focussed on the "I", team work and collaboration are always going to be an essential part of our working lives. It is always absolutely necessary to fit into today's competitive work force.
We can’t control others, but we can control our reactions and it is always in our hands to choose how we respond. If a group or team is divided, each should be given an opportunity to voice their opinions, preferably with an objective mediator or manager to ensure equal contribution from everyone. It's vital in life, but especially in teamwork, that members know their strengths and weaknesses. Precisely because, strengths quickly become weaknesses in moments of friction with others. Well balanced people know their mistakes don't define who they are, so they are perfectly capable of being able to provide and receive both positive and negative feedback.
A team with members who have a hidden agenda of competing against each other, will not brainstorm options and ideas openly to get a team ahead, only their own self interests. So first trust has to be established and this occurs through open and honest feedback to build respect. When people are more generally on the same page, they are more willing to step outside of their comfort zones to resolve any friction. Perfection isn’t the goal, but joint team effort is, and if all members can collaborate, creating a healthy competitive working environment, they're bound to reach their objectives successfully. They will ditch the unimportant and constructively sort out priorities so each can work with their own authentic purpose.
Competition is not unhealthy, if it pushes people to be better versions of themselves. Continual growth of each individual creates a sustainable and durable working environment for the team. So, although we live in an individualistic world that is focussed on the "I", team work and collaboration are always going to be an essential part of our working lives. It is always absolutely necessary to fit into today's competitive work force.