POLITICS: Trump, Biden, Brexit, Europe 2016 onwards

Biden or Trump - USA Election 2020

It's a week away before the USA choose their leader for the next four years. We have the reality TV show millionaire born Trump, who inherited 400 million and hates any kind of regulation (highly dangerous), plus who is so used to born privilege, it turned him into the nasty, lying, pussy grabbing man he is today. Under Trump, America has become the Divided States and not United.  

Biden promises and will unite America again, to undo the continual division that Trump has successfully managed to achieve in the last four years, at home and abroad.  He might not be perfect but he is a far better person of integrity, doesn't bully his way through life and certainly doesn't pretend to be a Christian yet persistently judge and ridicule everybody who doesn't agree with him? 

Not a politician, full of conspiracy theories, Trump literally chanted in 2016 debates "lock her up" and he's doing it again in 2020, chanting "lock up Biden".  The fake press being circulated by MAGA supports about Biden and Hunter, is the same old same old bull* about corruption, funds, but even goes lower to involvement in child porn.  It's incredible how low some Americans can go.  But obviously, Russia will have a hand in it somewhere, teaching machine learning AI to generate  fake news and circulate  misinformation to propel it into the fabric of society.  Not convinced? Check out this website that creates false images every time you refresh.  All fake and AI generated! https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/ 

Biden is someone who earned his merit on the political stage without inheriting money which he didn't earn himself and this is probably why he has so much more of an honest character than Trump.  Only a man like Trump would dance on John McCain's grave, dishonoring him, even though he served the American government and Republican party his whole life. Biden is not perfect, he has made mistakes but he doesn't lie or spread fake news. Whereas Trump, the biggest fake of all, has continued to undermine the biggest strength of democracy, open press.  Speak against him and his retort is "lock them up".  Why with such clear authoritarianism in sight from Trump then, do so many Republicans accuse Democrats of being communists or socialists? Projecting?  Why with Trump's witch-hunt on Obama and his continual vitriol on Twitter do Republicans still think this is a candidate of presidential status?  oTo get an idea of how many dubious, misleading statements Trump has made over the last 4 years go here: :  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veracity_of_statements_by_Donald_Trump  He is a proven liar and spreader of fake news with his older tweets being constantly re-quoted to prove as such.  

What will clear the clouded pink glasses of  Trump supporters/ Either older or religious, young, brain-washed Republican from birth, critical thinking doesn't seem to be a past-time of too many Americans.  So much for Christian Republican conservatives values. A bully, liar and competitor who wins by throwing sand in opponents' eyes, not by presenting their own innovative ideas, is all okay, as long as it's not a Democrat in office. 

Trump claimed climate change was a Chinese hoax, and that Covid-19 would be gone just like that because he, "Trump knows more than anyone else." Somebody told him....  Or at least that is what he constantly preaches.  His narcissism praises his colleagues or fellow experts  one moment then fires, shames and insults them the next, pouring fire onto every debate, with childish, tantrum retorts.  His supporters from the group of anti-establishment cry-babies do not have a clue about why financial regulation is important, global political diplomacy or that climate change is real.  (See The Chinese Hustle on Netflix why regulation is important). Short-term thinkers, they have no respect or patience with democratic progress or process and they drown themselves instead in the flaws, swimming in constant negativity.  

Why vote for a president who is only fueled by anger over a previous president or someone who encourages gatherings without masks in mass events in the middle of a pandemic?  None of these people remember the  banking crisis handed to Obama in 2008 by the Republicans.  They're voting for someone who is authoritarian and believe America will be great again with a wall. A wall, totally backward and reminiscent of communism.   Yet many ignorant Republicans have the audacity to refer to Democrat ideas or polices as communism.  The depravity of political education is pitiful.  

Mexico didn't pay, and it will not stop the greater problems of immigration, inequality and tax evasion. The latter of which Trump is clearly a champion at. He says he's paid in advance but what that really means is that it has been put aside on balance sheets as provisional tax payments for future payment.  By moving losses and profits around, business can get away without actually paying taxes for well, almost forever. This is probably why his tax returns are taking so long to emerge. Profits and losses have to be shifted on different company balance sheets to hide year long tax avoidance.   

Trump might have made a deal with Saudi Arabia and Israel (even though Netanyahu is under corruption investigation) but he has slighted  almost every single leader or colleague on both sides of the divide plus international organisations that have done good things for years.  .How does that make America great again? What is the budget deficit now after all the tax breaks for companies and how much more peaceful and safer is the world? ?  It's not America first, it's Trump first and it has led to American currently having one of the least respectable leaders in the world because he has the demeanor and control of a teenager. Knowing nothing about politics doesn't make him a good leader it makes him a dangerous leader who can damage America's reputation long term around the world. 

Biden doesn't have to boast or brag because he's genuine. You don't see the world's best at any sport, or Ms World gloating about them self being the best.  That's because  the best don't need to say it.  Compare that to Trump's regurgitation about how good he is and how he bullies his  enemies is so telling about his emotional immaturity as a person let alone a president.   He is the worst possible example of a Christian you can imagine and if Trump is the best leader America has then woe be the future generation that look up to leaders for inspiration.   

Climate change is not a hoax, it's real. Millions of scientists can't be wrong.  The only hoax is a millionaire born spoilt child pretending to be able to handle world affairs, when he can hardly control his mouth or emotions.  If American's vote wisely, I will be celebrating with Dom Pedros, and if they don't, America is in for a rougher ride in the next four years than the last.  For Trump has one way to lead and that is to disrespect his colleagues in the political spectrum.  We can't only though blame Trump and his supporters for the downturn in America's value on the world stage, you have to look to the Republican politicians who have enabled it.  They have assisted in creating the current Divided states of America and that must make the make the meddling Russians who can't mind their own business extremely happy. 

copyright to amanalang 

2019 European Union Election results: 

Well, thank goodness that’s over for 5 years. Most of the EU voted yesterday and the results are in. EVP Christian Democrats (Black) and S&D Social Democrat’s (red) lost seats but still rule the roost. Those Seats probably went to Liberals (yellow)  Greens and Euro Sceptic (light blue) which is all okay. Alt-right wing gains less that expected.  Good sign. Conservatives (dark blue) lost big time (good news) and with Brexit, will lose 18 of their 77 seats. Dutch Wilders lost his seats in NL but again, due to Brexit and NL gaining one of those seats, Wilders will still hold one. No wonder he was so pro-Brexit. Always in their own interest, not for the good of all, these far right politicians. 

All graphics copyright to Nos.nl 

Overall, Liberals will now have to collaborate more with Democrats (Social and Christian) as there are not many conservatives over. This is positive, if I remember how Labour left of centre and Dutch Liberals led the country responsibly through the crisis. The Eurosceptic new parties obviously gained seats, but not as many as predicted. With the conservative Brits and Farage out the way, Europe can continue its progressive course. Pity for those anti-Brexiters though. It’s obvious that China, Russia and USA will prefer trade deals with large blocs of 400 million that 60 million of UK. And Trump won’t be around forever to bully his way through trade wars. 


Results in NL.

Happy that Labour and EU S&D won the vote in NL for the EU Elections. The second largest democracy in the world after India, EU needs a more left compass. Peaceful societies are equal societies which is why Britain is in so much chaos. 

Greens did well too and have 60 seats in EU parliament for the first time.  Far right PVV being the lowest ever  is excellent news and Baudet FvD, as new kid on the block like a fast growing weed will keep the rest on their toes. 



It is not surprising that since Trump took office prejudice is on the rise. It was almost his campaign slogan with his anti-Islam, Mexican immigrant sentiments and nationalistic 'make America great again!" America was great again when Obama's international diplomacy and EQ skills took power, but alas Trump is the opposite side of the spectrum. Trump is probably accustomed to people thinking he's someone worth listening to because of his money and illusion of power it brings. I for one, think anyone who has to play divisive dirty politics is not worth listening to because such a game is based on continual bias. His narcissistic personality, total lack of respect for any ideas other than his own, and incessant revenge track to undo anything Obama did makes Trump a toxic world leader. Bent only on creating havoc, false security, and being controversial, the man has a need only to glorify himself continually. Insecure voters who are anti-establishment and the elite have voted exactly for the elite and the establishment which made Trump what he is. A millionaire with inherited wealth, shady business deals and bankruptcies where tax records to date are still to be disclosed. If ever there was a leader that doesn't lead by example, who is divisive instead of collaborative, America has voted for an aggressive, cultural stereotype that most of the world detest and laugh off as comedy. 

Prejudice gives  an illusion of power over others and an innate sense of entitlement. It is  learnt and therefore taught by bad role models. Trump's supporters seem unable to defend him unless they can produce ad hominem attacks on Obama or Democrats. "Regressive left, libtards" and other name calling is pitiful to watch and read but for the average Trump supporter, their stance is perfectly normal behaviour.  How could any parent support a man who is clearly a bully? Is this how they were raised and would they want their children to turn out like Trump? One of his one-liner war cries is "we love the uneducated." Of course he would, they're not exactly into thinking objectively about things but are driven by emotional sensation and a false sense of power which Trump espouses he'll give to them.

Prejudices blind the perceiver to any irony in own behaviour, clouding judgment with preconceived ideas and habitual intuition based on cognitive fully blown biases instead of continually updated rational factual argument. Prejudice always compares ourselves to others and gives ourselves the higher value. It is the epitome of Trump. Bias kills the recognition that diversity is of value in life and that everyone, no matter their personal preferences, looks, beliefs, or education, is just as valuable as another. Trump and his supporters' hate for the Democrats is almost like watching a school kids playground fight. 
What's even funnier is that Trump and avid supporters use their faith to confirm their biases. The values this must be teaching millions of future children in America is just downright scary. Any bias, but particulary religious bias is not intelligent. It's also a lack of intellectual honesty, lulling people into never  updating their life map on reality.  

I recently had a conversation with someone who had had a bad experience at school 30 years ago. He was still fighting the education system, claiming the whole education system had no emotional intelligence. Such generalisms show laziness in personal growth. At age 50, not having been in classroom for 30 years will seldom give insight to current day matters, and one subjective experience cannot be used as a yardstick to measure the whole. But this kind of thinking, so apparent in Trump's judgment of everybody and everything is the epitome too of total lack of emotional intelligent. So wired in memories are the prejudices that rational scrutiny of reality becomes no longer possible. Trump's witch-hunt after Obama's birthplace, has convinced many Trumpians that, as Obama himself said, "I am the devil incarnated for many." So dumbfounded are they by the fake sense of power Trump gives, they are too lazy to look up facts or enquire as to the truth of his many stories. Trump, the inventor of fake news, himself is the fake news. 

Or maybe this is what America deserves. If America is such a land of the free, (and it isn't) it's no wonder that such bias came to exist between its two opposing parties. As apart from external bias outside of USA border, there is a far greater internal bias towards of the population towards their own kind. Literally, within their own borders, neighbourhoods, schools and communities.After Trump's fuelling of such prejudice there will be much future work necessary to iron out the resulting polarisation. Whereas they should be focussing instead on serious flaws of their society such as obesity, the opioid epidemic and their growing financial inequalities. Yet Trump drives ahead and supporters follower, watching him teach a growing youthful generation that ego driven behaviour and bullying is totally okay.  

America is becoming even more spiritually poor as a nation and it has nothing to do with a secular society. The principles they are accepting as a norm is clearly another sign that western cultural highs are not to be revered, admired or respected.  Total disregard for professionals with knowledge and experience, denial of climate change, I can only pity those who abhor Trump but have to live with him as President. Perhaps Donald Trump, never had purposeful time in a non-privileged environment to build his own self worth without money, women and success. How much  self worth can you really have and earn through self growth when you are given a 100 million dollars as a head start in life?  I'd call the latter luck, nothing else, and therefore Trump's opinions are worth toilet paper to me. While there are certain things I can see his point, his manner in accomplishing anything is always to put others down. It's high school bully behaviour and shows such tremendous poverty of human spirit, its hilarious that religious Republicans can be so hypocritical in accepting such a piece of trash as leader.

There are reasons why Mandela, MLK, Obama and Ghandi had the great characters they had and hold the legacies they do. They were not privileged but in fighting to get ahead, they built exemplary characters on which 99% of the world can admit, were role-models to follow for centuries. Trump on the other hand is like throw away garbage. Here today, hopefully gone tomorrow, a cheap buy of a shit quality product that just had to be tried to be understood. Had Trump been a dignified noble person, he would not falsely portray himself on merit that was fashioned for him by 100 million inheritance. But then again, this is so often what excess capital does to bad character people. It changes them into worse people than before. 

A leader doesn't provoke division through continual bias and prejudice, but instead promotes unity and debate through dialogue. We know where Trump stands and as far as I see it, if someone condones that kind of behaviour, we have different value and ethics. For nothing in Trump's behaviour or leadership deserves one word of praise or inch of acceptance. He has weakened the west's aura to one of immense spiritual poverty, and his demanding prejudiced behaviour will go down in history books as being as worthy as toilet paper. He's the kind of person who always puts his finger in your face to prove to you that he's 'right.' A pitiful prejudiced idiot. 

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