Monitoring your carbon footprint

Have you ever seen how much throw-away plastic you collect over a month? We cannot do anything about oil spills personally, but we can reduce the plastic in our consumer habits. By eating less processed foods going fresh with minimal packaging and or choosing brands with  bio-degradable material you can diminish your plastic garbage. I personally wish that toiletry shops would have refill machines for everything because that would save much more on shampoos and the like. 

Take no plastic to the beach. Use brown paper for packaging picnic sandwiches and paper water bottles.   A better environment always begins with each and every individual. We owe it to nature and the seas which give us nothing but beauty.  If you're a diver, you've witnessed in awe the natural world underwater up close.  It is a wondrous sight and worth keeping in tact for millennia to come.  Just because we cannot see it from above does not mean it does not exist or that it does not need protecting  

We need to start holding companies accountable for the size of their carbon footprint and tax them for it.  Study their supply chains and see the environmental costs. As long as we support high carbon emission companies, their supply chain route won't transform to environmentally accepted norms.  Climate change is affected by much more cars and planes. Food production, and entire supply chains of all those products we think we need so much cause much more damage.  So lets as consumers become more picky and supportive of  green suppliers.  For example, Tony Chocoloni.  They  showed that we don't need chocolate fom cocoa picked by children with poverty wages, or that chocolate needs to be wrapped all prettily in silver foil. Paper does the job. If we all play a part in awareness of our consumer habits, we all lend a hand to keeping oceans pristine as they should naturally be. A healthy environment for all its coral reefs and millions of creatures.  

So lets monitor our buying habits and give the freedom we take for ourselves, to other creatures who are at our mercy.  For imagine at the end of your life as you are  reduced to ashes, how big the mountain of garbage is next to you from all the things you thought you needed. Plus, and what was needed at the source of raw materials to create each and every item. Ie. The disposables behind the scene. We do not want it to look something like this or worse. 
A weekend tip:  The Netflix documentary "My teacher the Octopus” to regain the wonder at a world we seldom see and observe the conscious behaviour of creatures other than ourselves. 

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