Quotes from Stephen Pinker's "Enlightenment Now"
politics, Americans have become increasingly polarized, most opinions
being too shallow and uninformed to fit into a coherent ideology.
A 2016 poll found that Americans follow ISIS news closely and 77%
agreed 'Islamic militants in Syria and Irak pose a serious
threat to existence or survival of the USA,' a belief that is nothing
short of delusional.
The second decade of the 21st century saw the rise of populist
movements...that are tribalist and authoritarian rather than
cosmopolitan and democratic.
Inglehart & P. Norris analysis of 268 political parties in 31 EU
countries found that Populist voters are older, rural, less educated,
more male and of ethnic origin. In Brexit, 66% high school graduates
voted leave and 29% of degree holders.
All in all, despite Europe's recent troubles, populists have only gained 13% of the electorate and have lost as many seats as they have gained. Far right populism seeks sensational destabilization as a spoilt generation of those who have everything.
in critical thinking and cognitive de-biasing may not be enough to cure
identity protective cognition, where people cling to whatever opinion
enhances the tribe, glory and their status within it.
The best way to understand an idea is to see what it is not by putting the alternatives to humanism under the microscope.
The human mind can explore an infinite space of ideas, and is not
limited by the quantity of any particular kind of stuff in the ground.
War was once thought of as part of the human condition but now it is
not seen as a glorious contest to be won but a practical problem to be
mitigated and someday solved.
In 1820, more than 80% of the world was unschooled. It took the west centuries to figure out that educating the whole population, not just those with testicles, was a good idea. English women weren't as literate as English men until 1885.
in education makes countries richer, more democratic and peaceful. We
learn that our own convictions no matter how heartfelt or popular may be
mind altering effects of education with knowledge of sanitation,
nutrition, safe sex, literacy and numeracy are the foundations of modern
wealth creation. Countries who have educated their children
intensively have grown fastest from poverty.
Cyberspace is the ultimate abstract realm where goals are achieved
not by pushing around matter in space but by manipulating intangible
symbols and patterns.
Progress in
technology allows us to do more with less. Mobile phones don't need
miles of poles and wires. The digital revolution replaces atoms with
bits and cubic yards of vinyl with MP3s.
Eco-modernists point out that organic farming, which needs far more
land to produce a kilogram of food, is neither green nor sustainable.
As people move to cities, they free up countryside and need fewer
resources for commuting, building and heating.
poverty requires abundant energy. By 2010, Botswanans earned $7,650 per
year, 32 times as much as the still-poor Burundians, and the former had emitted 89
times as much Co2.