Happy playing in 2021!

Life passes by fast. After we pass our teens we enter adulthood and our twenties are a decade of trial and error. Some choose to settle early, marry and have kids, others focus on their career and some choose to travel the globe or do all three. 
By the time we reach our thirties, we have experience and youth  is still completely on our side. Many settle down with families in this age category and life becomes hectic juggling careers and home life. By the time we reach our mid forties, all our choices of the past become clear. Some change direction if they've failed in previous life undertakings and mid-life crises begin for a many. What is there now to achieve and where did the last 40 years go! That's where the "life starts at forty" comes from! 

As we enter middle age, time seems to pass by quicker and quicker. Often because there are many joyous moments and also because once fixed in our routines, whatever they may be, time slips through the hour glass almost unnoticed. 

Corona xmas escalator fun

 When we reach fifty, those of us who are lucky to do so, because not everyone has that privilege, we are pretty much settled in our ways and characters. Some end almost life long relationships of thirty years or divorce now that the kids have grown up. Most are established in their careers and are either still burning the candle at both ends because career means everything to them and they're highly successful, while others have chosen for a good balance between work and play. 

Too often, those reaching middle age become cynical. Past failures or un-achieved goals haunt them, or they've lost themselves somewhere in all the decades of growing up.  Some fear technology, see the negative in everything new and just want things to stay as they were. Or they feel that age has brought them a wisdom no one else has, so they are gurus on the subject on life. But nothing could be further than the truth. Middle age is a time of re-discovery. We should be learning and can everyday as  there is much to learn from younger inexperienced people who are less conditioned, and they too appreciate what we, the hopefully mature, can pass on our experience. 
 So make sure you play, as being an adult and life is not only about work and obligations. Take yourself on journeys through books, walk in the rain, take up a new hobby. Had a tough day at the office? Build a castle in Minecraft, save the world in
Or defeat a dragon I. Skyrim and the Elder Scroll IV. 
  We will get to good old concerts again one day but until then be creative with your time and discover new things. Stay fit, take care of yourself and tap into your inner child.    Age might urge more caution in our older past time joys such as horse riding, ice- roller skating or whatever we chose to do in the past, but there are always new discoveries to be made. We're never too old to play and in twenty years time, playing might be more difficult than now so learn and have fun today!    Carpe Diem, life is what you make it and we never know how much time is left.

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