The Colorful Fall - Autumn Poetry, photos, mushrooms

Silencing birds, it howls and blows,
A beating heart, out of rhythm it throws
Perennials rustle, shedding their leaves,
As the wind darts around and playfully weave 

Dust clouds swirling, scatter pods that are weak 
Birds hide on branches and dare not peek, 
Wind power energy hurls much afar
Final leaves float as a slow falling star. 

Levitating sand grains lift from the beach 
As wind carries all, to a dune within reach
Seagulls indignantly, scold the gale for its hurry
Battling its gusts, their wings in a flurry 

Then abruptly wind ceases, golden silence returns 
Wind’s unleashed power, gracefully adjourns 
Ducks air their wings to nudge loose a feather 
Quacking in thanks, for more peaceful weather 

What exquisite designs does nature behold for is to admire! 

Leaves like royal carpets lay
As confetti on paths, in piles for play
Canals and streets host amber trees
Everything rustling in the chilly breeze

Colours expressing, bright auburn hues
Chocolate brown pods, paying their dues
Twisted and spiralling like a cosmic wheel
Cherishing time, the next season will steal.

Brown, once yellow transformed from green
All nature’s colours clearly seen
Blooms are shadows of past summer shades
Rain and wind accentuating the fade. 

Once delicate flowers, turn into beans 
Crimson in colour, on thorns so mean
Rains and wind warn growth to retreat
As soon storms of ice will replace all heat

A few leaves hold on, although weak and pale
But  eventually fall, under autumn’s hail wail 
Submitting to another damp cool night
Under temperamental skies and soft twilight

Spring and summer now resigned to sleep
Release their hold, in silent weep 
Vanishing quietly, no longer bold 
Vivacity gone, growth on hold 

Autumn rains drizzle from clouds of grey 

Forgotten is summer’s freshly rolled hay

All which thrived, gracefully departs 

Ushering in winter, for snowflakes to start

Under frost and ice in melancholy nap
Hibernating plants, rejuvenate their sap
Waiting for when, they’ll awaken to bear  
Fresh fruit and flowers for the following year 

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