Quotes worth remembering!


 To love the earth as the moon loves it, is to touch its beauty with the eyes alone and to lie before things like a mirror with a hundred eyes. F. Nietzsche                                            

Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is an absurd, false notion of equality. Society's task is to create systems that deal humanely with our inequalities and that encourage diversity. M. Scott Peck          
If we do not support artists, we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality, believing in nothing and having worthless dreams. Jann Martel "The Life of Pi"
Vanity is self-pity, isolationism, world scorn and egotistical exceptionalism in believing in oneself.  Julian Barnes
Know is a word that fosters illusion. We must allow for uncertainty in our thinking. Daniel Khaneman
Prejudice, it's dehumanizing effects, exploiting people, evoking a binary construction instead of understanding complicated histories and personalities of each individual. What kind of idea are you to others?  Salamon Rushdie "Satanic Verses
Be the frenzied dancer in the sea of shadows on the moon. Sit on the mountain and gaze at truth.  Salamon Rushdie "Satanic Verses" 
Obesity is a double victory for consumerism. Instead of eating little which will lead to economic contraction, people eat too much and then buy diet products contributing to economic growth twice over.  Yuval Harari - Sapiens    
We ourselves are the Book of Books, spectacular human lives. We underestimate human potential, both the strength of man's intellect and the weakness of his flesh.  Harry Mullisch "Discovery of Heaven
Do lovers create love or is it the other way around?  Harry Mullisch "Discovery of Heaven"
Feelings are not an independent fabrication of the brain but a result of a cooperative partnership of body and brain,  interacting by way of free-ranging chemical molecules and nerve pathways.  Antonio Damasio   "Strange Order of Things"         


 “Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.” Lao Tzu

“A letter has a soul and a body. The body is the ink it’s made of and its soul is what it says” H. Mullisch 

“When one has weighed the sun in the balance and measured the steps of the moon, and mapped out the seven heavens, star by star, there still remains one’s self.” Oscar Wilde

“It is in the domain of art that the spirit of man finds it true self, assumes its noblest aspect and escapes from time and space.” Wadia 

“Personality and ego are our prison. Once transcendence is found, seek right association within an expanded conscious community.”  Hesse

“Where we are going is always home.” Novalis

“Naught endures but mutability” Shelley 

“Literary form is the glass through which we focus the holy beams of dispersed nature into a fiery ray which strikes into the heart of man.” Goethe

“In every truth the opposite is equally true. For knowledge isn't wisdom of any path. There is no path, you are the path.”


Alan Watts 

quotes 2022

How to bend and shape language and let it be our freedom, how to repossess its poisoned wells to master the river of words of time.
Virtue and vice can transform men to good and evil.
Death washes away quarrels and jealousies of life.
These days economics not character is destiny.
To be born again you have to die first

If love is a yearning to be like or become the beloved, then hatred has the same ambition if love cannot be fulfilled.
To search for your own heights in the idiom of the day is to release frozen attitudes
To master through knowledge,  the forces of nature, canned like tuna on wheels, blind as bats, heads full of mischief and newspapers full of blood.
Ending slavery was the passage from speech to moral action.
The native is an oppressed person whose dream is to become the oppressor . 
Do women have souls? Do souls have gender is god black or white?

Doubt is useful for a while but as a philosophy of life it is akin to choosing immboility as a means of transportation. Fear  disguised is doubt enters the mind like a spy. Doubt meets disbelief and does away with disbelief who is a poorly armed soldier.

Joy, a quickening of the moral sense which strikes one as more important than an intellectual understanding of things.

Making rash decisions you dismiss your last allies hope and trust.


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