Pets - birds, budgies and loss


Rest in peace my sweet little bird ….

You came to me my little darling

As a wing cut untamed sweetheart

Chirping madly in the box on that rainy winter afternoon

I calmed you quietly and at home

You met Bond and quickly settled in to food and warmth

Bond nipped you in the beginning defending his space 

But your patience and sweetness soon led to bonding partnership

And some months later you preened each other 

I was overwhelmed with joy 

April came and you just refused to climb my summerhouse safety ladders

To stop you from wandering outside alone in the wilderness! 

Seeking you to pick you up from your hiding corners when you landed on the floor

We nonetheless found a safe routine and I worried less

You were so adorable, so easy to tame, such a fluffy head

Beautiful character, kind and quiet, and a fantastic eater

You joined in with Bond’s play and you were steadfast friends 

Till the end 

What caused your illness so quickly at the age of five

Is probably an egg, injury or internal infection from the egg break 

I so wished the medication would work, together with the care 

But the painkiller, baths, heat and diet I tried failed

You lived cheerfully for five days through the baths, heat dries and painkiller 

Until Friday the 4th of August

That afternoon and night, we lay together

You, wrapped on my chest in a towel

Warm and safe but feathers alert and heavy breathing

I put you to bed early but found you in the morning

Seeking refuge at the cage bottom in the same towel

Together we lay again on the 5th, 

You not eating for the first time

Weakened and breathing slowed 

I cried and hoped the medication, warmth and massages

Gave you some peace and rest

On your stairway to Heaven 

I will miss you so much Gracie ðŸ¥²Just 9 months in my life

I tamed you, trained you to try and fly 

And you brought such joy to me and Bond. 

You will be loved forever. Rest in peace my little one

I love you, Bond loves you, we will miss you terribly….. xxxxxxxx

              She has her own little special spot in the garden with roses blooming around her

 The connection we have with animals is so deep. They are wholly part of our lives, dependent on us and the fact that they don’t talk deepens that connection…. 

2018 keeping budgies :) 

When I was young and immature at the age of 18 I had two birds. But not for long. As I didn't know they shouldn't  be near a draught, I  came home one day to discover them both lying on their backs having passed from life to death.  After my beloved cat died from FATE (feline aortic thrombo embolism) after 11 years of companionship, I decided to get birds instead of another cat. The breeder offered me tamed budgies but I wanted to tame them myself. So at just 3 months old, I took the birds home in their tiny boxes, which the breeder puts them into after selecting them out of a bunch in a row. I put them into their new home and small cage eager to begin taming them. 
It took a while to find appropriate names as I didn't know much about their characters and the first two months were trying to say the least. They got used to my hand inside the cage pretty quickly and would eat out of my hand without any trouble. But when I felt it was time to give them their freedom, as I was not going to clip their wings, getting them back into the cage would sometimes take an hour! I had special shelves around the lounge with their mineral block, food and water but they naturally found their own favourite places. One being my two large lampshades which have a thin rim. To this day I keep them covered with a natural straw brush on the top and Bond and Octopussy know they are out of bounds. 


I will admit to having felt an affectionate bias towards Bond in the beginning as he was the one who was easier to tame. He was always braver and such a pretty blue male. Octopussy was more hesitant and only did things if Bond did them first. Still to this day its the same. Any new toy or resting place must first be tried and tested by Bond before Octopussy dares. It was hard in the beginning when it took so long to get them into the cage and it only worked by using their seed stick but eventually, we transitioned to just my finger and I learnt how to position my hand so they didn't feel threatened by the small cage door entrance.  Now a year later, Bond remains bold and adventurous flying from my finger into the cage himself.  
Bond is also always the one who first discovers a new room and sometimes I've come home and not been able to find the birds! He discovered the kitchen and perched himself up high on the gas pipes or on the rustic lantern. They don't seem to be able to fly back though so I always have to use a chair, coax them onto my finger and take them back to the lounge. They sometimes fly up and down the hall way but mostly do flying rounds in the lounge and it's so cute observing their take-off positions and hearing the speed and whir of their wings as they fly. They often sweep down just over my head and then up again.  Once when the visiting neighbor's cat was on my lap, Sasha (the cat) instinctively lashed out with a paw, striking Octopussy's breast. I was in a panic as it had caused one drop of blood on that pretty green. But she was fine and perhaps had learnt her lesson, never doing it again with the cat in the room.  They are teasers though and will, just as birds on the road, take incredible chances swooping in at high speed, showing off their flying skills.
One of their take-off spots

Who doesn't like spoiling their pets? I soon upgraded their residence and transferred their home from a cage to building them a Bird Mansion. This involves a big cabinet, taking out the glass and putting in gauze. Due to the size, one can be creative with swings and toys etc.  The transition went well but trying to get budgies to try out the new obstacle courses or use the toys you buy and place for them takes patience. They do everything in their own time and sometimes totally ignore things the first few days. I've still to this day not managed to get them enjoy a bird bath like the birds outside do, or eat fruit or vegetables. But they are quite at home in flying to the dining room table to eat their seed or drink from the tall candle-holder used for that purpose.


 On their swing in the Mansion

Octopussy playing hide and seek behind the Mansion's top decorative facade

The two birds love each other and watching them groom each other is so sweet. Bond also has the most beautiful song. When you have budgies in pairs they will not learn to talk. Only if you have one budgie will they mimic you and talk.  Bond also had some 'Night Frights" which have woken me on the odd occasion. I wonder if birds have bird dreams of falling? He will suddenly start flying madly around from side to side in the dark and Octopussy has to hang on the side out of the way.  I have to turn on the light, put him on my finger, feed him and then all is okay. Apparently, some budgies have this although fortunately it's not to often because flying around so wildly in a smallish space does leave chance for injury.
Octopussy grooming Bond
I love coming home to these two because when I walk up to their perch, they show off, particularly Octopussy and stretch out both legs in turn slowly. It must be a conditioned habit now,  maybe because of the praise they get in my best put on budgie voice. They really do have their own little characters and although I love them both equally, I will say that Octopussy can really be a little Super-B from time to time. One thing she does not tolerate is a hand inside the mansion at night, or if I am too late and it's too dark when I put them back into the mansion.  She will nip (not painfully) but repeatedly to show her irritation. Furthermore, when I feed them out of my hand during the day, if Bond joins she pecks and shrieks at him until he moves away and misses out. Which means I have to feed him separately.  He never does it to her and I don't know why she behaves that way but its  consistent and doesn't change. Bond is an absolute angel. He has never nipped me or her. So I guess she's just the cheeky one with female moods! She is absolutely beautiful though!

Octopussy has become the most obedient and perhaps because we really bonded a few months ago. I came home and Bond immediately started flying down and swooping over my head. Octopussy was nowhere to be found! I searched high and low until eventually, saw that she had fallen behind the piano which was against the wall. She wasn't hurt but she was stuck and couldn't move in the narrow space. I have no idea how long she had been there but Bond was truly stressed. I got her, pampered her and honestly,  since then, she has become much tamer than Bond. Always listens, always the first to go back to the cage, although she will still nip if I interfere in her territory at night.  

They each have their own little favourite spots in the Mansion and I am really hoping they will breed. I have 4 nesting boxes for them. On in the mansion, one above for the daytime when they're free, the little cage which I use to transport them to the Summer house at weekends, and at the place itself. So far no luck and the nesting material bought at the pet shop they flat out ignore. Maybe they're too young.

Keeping budgies is not without its work. You have to clean the cage regularly although there are practical ways to shorten the job.  In summer they are also inclined to wake me up at the crack of dawn if I do not cover the mansion with a sheet to keep it dark. Funny enough, at the summer house, where they sleep in the small cage at night in my bedroom, they do not make a noise until they see I am awake.  These two little birdies are a bundle of joy and Bond's singing and Octopussy's mood provide for lots of secret smiles and laughs. It's so cute to stop what you're doing check in on them on top of the mansion (their favourite spot outside of it) and see them both chilling on one leg, totally comfortable with their lifestyle. Or to notice how they react to outside flocks of bird and join in on their squawking matches.  Something quite surprising is how often they've had the opportunity to fly away, being 10 cm away from an open door to the garden which I've forgotten to latch properly and they have not taken advantage. They must be happy and certainly know where the food is!

To conclude, I can definitely recommend befriending budgies as pets, as they have a lot to give and are easy companions.  They even seem to like driving in the car because when we go to the summer house they start chattering like mad on the passenger seat, seeming to enjoy the art of being 'flown' as they hold their balance on the perch against the forward momentum :)







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