Our unconditional love for pets

We see so much written about erotic and romantic love, but good old fashioned unconditional love for our pets is seldom spoken about. This blog is dedicated to animals, more specifically pets, and pictures dedicated to particularly cats. There is a reason why they are the most popular videos on You-tube. This blog is also a shout out of respect and thanks to all good pet owners out there, whether your cherished animals are dogs, rabbits, birds, cats, horse or anything else.

There are often media posts about signing a petition to save the whales, dolphins, rhino and so forth, which is good as we should be aware but for a change, I'd like to talk about the people doing good to animals. Are you one of those being kind and loving to conscious beings that can never pay us back? Millions share hilarious videos and lovely pictures of their pets which is an ode to how much we love them. All the care, attention and adoration we give is a beautiful thing for without us, many animals would be left helpless for food, shelter and affection. Just as good parents love their children unconditionally, we love our pets. We undertake extra cleaning, vacuuming, dusting and furniture rearranging because we have pets. We  spoil them not only with bones, fish or extra nice meals, but also with treats or outings, so it's no wonder pets develop habits and characters synced to our own routines.  We spend money on them, ensure they are well taken care of if we travel, we talk to them daily, we feed them, caress them and often we sleep with our pets, or they sleep with us. It's an intimate relationship! 

A few years ago a friend of mine was quite depressed so I suggested that she get some kittens. Some years later and many hundreds of euros, she's absolutely glad she did, despite the extra costs, because for everything she gets in return, it's been worth it. Unfortunately, one of her cats developed a health problem, nothing too serious but enough to cost regular vet visits. Spending money on pets is part of the care. New toys, annual vet visits, vaccinations and medicine if they are unwell. I once had a colleagues  who had a sick rabbit and she even took off work to hand feed it during its illness.  All sounds pretty much like dedication and love doesn't it?
Our pets give us something money can't buy. They trust us unconditionally, they welcome us home no matter our mood. They communicate without communicating by licking us if they're dogs and barking, or miaowing and bringing you mice, frogs and birds if they're cats. Pets love us in ways people can't.  They make us laugh at their funny antics and territorial gestures around other animals and they bring softness to our hearts when we see them sleeping or having fun.
I've seen neighbourhood retired widows and widowers who manage their loneliness because they have a dog who they can walk around the block three times a day. A dog who gives them a sense of being worthy, needed and gentle companionship.  But even if young, if you don't have a pet, you don't know what you're missing out on. If you are someone with pets whom you love and cherish congratulations. It's a loving thing to take care of something that cannot take care of itself and although it might just be an animal, it means you are loving unconditionally and this is a healthy attribute to anyone's life! Loving pets are good for for our overall well-being and they give so much in return. As the Bob Billings quote goes "only a dog will love you more than you love yourself. And,  "an animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language" says Martin Buber. It's a language we cannot speak but only feel. Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for reading!

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