Gaming: Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls V PS4

So finally, at level 32, after posing as an official invitee to the Thalmus Embassy aristocrat party, I managed to secure the documents which I found in the dungeon.  Using one of my magical shouts and fire swords, I escaped the guards and found the tunnel to escape.
All pics copyright to Skyrim - Dragonborn (one of your possible characters) in his magical helmut which has been enchanted to resists dragon fire

Delphine is convinced that I, the Skyrim Dragonborn, must become kin with the Blades if I am to prevent Tamriel from it’s apocalypse and ensuing dragons who will breathe fire to destroy all.  But after finding the underground tomb,  it seemed we were not in possession of the puzzle key to unlock the stone walls. I returned for counsel with Agridir,  head of the Greybeards on top of the icy mountain and he informed me that the missing magical shout I required could only be given by the master Dragonend. So further to the highest iciest  peak I climbed ,using my newly learnt "clear blue skies" shout to ward off the frostbite and icy wraith swirling storms.
 If you do not have a fire sword or ice potions to protect yourself, these will kill you quickly

The map of Skyrim.  Each white icon represents a quest... as you can see, neverending...
No one had entered Dragonend's meditation territory for a hundred years, and upon meeting the master, I discovered that he himself was a dragon who would only speak his own tongue.  He commanded me to use his language in fire tongue shout and only then, did he relay the  history of why Alduin had not been properly defeated in the old world.

The dragon of all dragons 
Alduin's being banished beyond time had only postponed the end. The only only I could learn the Dragooned shout, to assist in defeating and absorbing the  demon dragon soul,was to find the Elder Scroll.  It was an ancient ironic, riddle of knowledge and wisdom and the only one who might know of its whereabouts would be the  Winterhold Magical College librarian. As the Arch Mage of Winterhold, I again began my new quest.

 The Whitrun market square where I buy ingredients for the spells and poisons for enchanting my weapons
Me, the Dragonborn using my magical skill of flaming to fight the dragons 
I traversed on horse, descending the icy mountain before fast travelling to my quarters to sleep and rest at Winterhold.  After the required sleep rest, I approached the Arcaneum librarian who complained I was asking all the wrong questions . He warned me that anyone who read the Elder Scroll became blind due to its magic and wisdom.  However, he shared the  few books and notes he had on the subject which led me north to further icy fields and caves.  I was to travel far further north in the icy fields to the cave.  There I met the learned Septimus Signus, who provided the map to the scrolls, through treacherous path through caves amass with vampires, wizards and Ice Wraths.  The lexicon he gave would inscribe the final door and the circle of music,  had to be played low and subtly in a certain tune to open the prior doors.
 Once more I set foot  upon my journey.  It would be a long while before I could return to any of my homes in Solitude, Windhelm or Whitrun.  I had also lost my wife on one of my quests. When things got dangerous, I told her to wait but when things went awry she must have decided to walk home.  If she is still alive I do not know but she was not at any of our residences in my last check. Prior to this disappearance, she normally finds her way home after a few weeks and runs the shop but it has been two months now.
My wife outside our Solitude home which overlooks the ocean 
 Riverside where I trade dragonbones and scales for gold. It is here that I met Delphine who got me into the Thalmor Embassy on a false invitations. She also stole my gold while holding onto my belongsing in my absence, so beware!
On my way to the cave a dragon attacked and with my ice staff and sword I slaughtered it, absorbing its soul and taking its bones to trade later for the new terrace at Solitude..... It's a busy life in Skyrim....

When dragons sit on rooftops, their fire destroys the village they are invading so one must use magical powers and spells to defeat them as simple poisoned arrows will not reach that far or powerfully enough.

GAMING IS FUN! Storylines also tell intricate stories and rich vocabulary which is good for language. Further, gaming is good for coordination and keeping reflexes sharp! It engages the mind and even though shooting and killing is sometimes a necessity to survive, it's a small win in a day when it' been a tough day at the office.  For youngsters, who need adults to define boundaries, obviously time limits should be set to avoid addiction. Bat as an adult I have been gaming for 25 years and it's never been a addiction only pleasurable moments of strategizing, playing and enjoying.   I started with Nintendo's  Mortal Kombat and Mario. Progressed to PS1 to PS3 playing all Harry Potters, Tomb Raiders,  Max Payne, Drake's Fortune triology, then all the Splinter Cells (based on Tom Clancy Novels) plus a few others in between before starting Skyrim.  I've heard PS4 graphics are incredibly HD and precise.  But for now, I'm happy to finish Skyrim on my PS3.  Gaming online together with others around the world is also fun and encourages the same kind of teamwork as required in real life.  So happy gaming you gamers.... and thank you all those programmers and authors of great stories!

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